
‘Compete Weekly’ will provide you with the knowledge you need to build a business that can outcompete everyone in your chosen market.

Can The Children Work Together?

Richard Shrapnel's Orienteering Succession blog

You are currently in succession thinking mode and the question that continues to roll around in your head is, ‘Will my children be able to work together?’ It’s a good question but one that must be resolved and not simply…

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We All Have A History

'We All Have A History' by Richard Shrapnel

We All Have A History. We have all come from somewhere and have each experienced different things in our lives that have made us, for better and worse, who we are today. Each of us are great at some things…

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Don’t Worry, It’s All Agreed. #succession

Richard Shrapnel's Orienteering Succession blog

‘Don’t worry, it’s all agreed.’ These words may bring a shudder to you when you hear them because you know it’s probably nowhere near ‘all agreed’. Family businesses are personal and are often built on lifelong relationships. Relationships with customers,…

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