When is it time to give up on an opportunity, a project, a goal, or an aspiration? Some would say never, others draw a line in the sand, being a budget of some type, and you stop when you’ve used…
An Organisation Fit For Purpose
When moving into new offices, we consider carefully the dynamic we want to create between our people, the resources and technology required, and the experience we want for customers and our staff. Of course, we understand that great design will…
Corporate Courage – Fearless Leadership In Business
In a world full of unexpected challenges, is there a need for Fearless Leaders, and is such a characterisation possible in business? There is no doubt that the quality of leadership caps the success of a business. But where does…
An Anxious Business
Around the world, many businesses are now seeking to draw their people back into their physical offices while others are blending time in the office with working remotely. Whichever approach is adopted, anxiety will be present and will negatively impact…
Assumptions Weaken Consensus and Decision-Making
Diversity can bring a richness in thinking into any discussion and decision-making process but only if the foundations are established first. Building these foundations requires time, effort, and thought, but often that time is not taken to establish these foundations…