One of the most valuable benefits that a family business can provide to the entire family, and especially the children, are life lessons. There is no greater learning environment than commencing, building and growing a business. Moreover, the benefits do not stop at the practical experiences but…
The ‘Family’ In Family Business #succession
Often in family businesses, the business leaders do not share much of what happens in the day to day running of the business with their family members. There are pretty common reasons why this occurs, but it can and does…
Focusing on Building The Capital Value Of Your Family Business #succession
Capital value is not built by accident, nor is it necessarily a simple equation against profit. Whether you are consciously growing your family business for future generations or just trying to make it successful, a view to capital value from…
The Accidental Family Business #succession
Most family businesses that continue to operate within the family past the first generation do so by accident rather than intent. It just happens without much thought or consideration. And it’s their accidental nature that eventually catches up with them and…
When Do You Introduce Your Children To The Business? #succession
Family and business life are often intertwined but also removed. The children see the impact that the business has on family life and how the ‘business parent’ is often at work more than with the family. And children can very quickly…