In leadership, if you find yourself in the position of having to dramatically reduce operating costs in your business, then in some way you’ve ‘screwed up’. How you now fix the problem and ensure it doesn’t happen again will be…
Crafting Your Competitive Story To Engage Employees’ Hearts and Minds
Leadership is all about direction, alignment and momentum. And strategic planning is a key tool to achieve this, but the art of strategic planning has been lost. Strategy is simply how you intend to compete as a business – but…
Recreating Your Business In Our Changing World
Many successful businesses lose growth traction and become comfortable and content with their historical success. But yesterday’s success doesn’t guarantee a viable future. There is no place for complacency in a successful business. So what do you do when you…
Defeating Amazon In Your Market
With the imminent arrival of Amazon to Australia as an onshore player, many businesses large and small are responding with a mixture of panic and indecision. But Amazon’s entry may represent an opportunity rather than a threat. And there are…
The Myth Of A ‘Mature’ Business
Don’t ever allow your business to become ‘mature’. Why? Because that could signal the beginning of the end for your business. When a person becomes mature it is considered that they are fully grown and developed. In contrast, when a…